Zzang: Archive – Niño

Niño contributed 3 poems to the February 2001 edition of Zzang.




A match stands.

When you are kind and smooth and meet the match


When you are harsh and rough and meet the match

           a light spark.

When you are harsh and rough and brush by the match


I am the match.

My flame burns.






Steven Seagal


I was walking one day.
When Steven Seagal jumped out in front of me.
He said, "I'm Steven Seagal, give me all of your money."
Was this really Steven Seagal? I knew how to find out.
If he was Steven Seagal, he would know his own moves.
So I did a triple backflip over him.
He seemed quite confused. First clue.
I extended my hands and grabbed his cranium.
He seemed quite shocked. Second clue.
With a twitch of my biceps I cocked his head to the right.
The crack in his neck spoke for itself.
He became limp and fell to the ground.
He seemed quite dead. Third clue.
That was definitely not Steven Seagal.






Ode to Monkey


oh monkey, it makes me Wary.

when I try to write an ode using the Dictionary


but what is an Ode?

some may say it is words driven fourth from deep within one's Soul

some may say it is Pure feeling, with no consequential Goal

some may say it is a noun, A Lyric Poem Usually Marked By Exaltation Of


Feeling And Style Varying Length Of Line And Complexity Of Stanza Forms.


but monkey, though you are merely a nonhuman primate Mammal,

you Inspire me.










February 2001

·       Obstacle

·       Steven Seagal

·       Ode to Monkey



 Erika Salomon


Erica Rosser


Joe Decarolis


Nancy Wilensky


Katie B.


Saun Conlin


Neill Torna


Jessica Conlin


Johnny Butt Michiels




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Erica B. DiUlio




S. Raible


Kristin Toscano


Poet at Heart


China Tenshi (Aimee Archambault)


Stephanie Scarborough


Charlie Pachingaz


Lurnsam Danag

All original material © 2001 ERIKA SALOMON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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